In this article you will learn about best time to sleep and wake up. You would have the luxury of going to bed early and waking up early in a world that is “perfect.” As a result, you would be well rested and ready to have a productive day.

However, it may be challenging to stick to the “early to bed, early to wake” mentality if one has obligations such as job responsibilities or the care of young children.
When it comes to sleep, the quantity of sleep you obtain and the regularity with which you doze off are possibly the two most crucial factors to take into consideration.
Going to bed when it’s already dark outside can help ensure that you get the necessary amount of rest while also making it simpler to nod off. In order to reduce the risk of developing future health problems, it is essential to acquire sufficient amounts of quality sleep on a consistent basis.
Consider the following suggestions for getting the most out of your sleep if you’re seeking for some direction for your individual pattern of sleeping.
Best sleeping hours
People should try to get to bed earlier and get up earlier in the morning if they want to achieve the ideal sleep schedule. This pattern corresponds to the innate tendencies we have to alter our sleeping pattern to correspond with the cycle of the light. After the light goes down, you might discover that you have a natural tendency to feel sleepier.
The precise time will be determined by what time you typically wake up in the morning. One last thing to think about is how many hours of sleep you require every single night.
How our circadian rhythm works
The word “circadian rhythm” refers to the natural cycle of sleep and wakefulness that occurs within the human brain. It functions similarly to the clock in our heads.
During a period of 24 hours, normal fluctuations in one’s level of alertness and greater levels of wakefulness can be expected to occur in everyone. People are most likely to be sleeping between the following times: between the hours of one and three in the afternoon, and between two and four in the morning.
The higher the quality of sleep you obtain, the less probable it is that you will have severe problems staying awake during the day.
Your natural times for going to bed and waking up in the morning are also determined by your circadian rhythm. Your brain will adjust to a schedule in which you consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time each day if you have formed the habit of doing so.
After some time has passed, it’s possible that you’ll have no trouble falling asleep at night and waking up just on time for your alarm clock without any difficulty.
If you work erratic shifts or go to bed at different times throughout the week, this could throw off your circadian rhythm and cause you to feel off-kilter. This may cause you to feel sleepy during the daytime at times.
How much sleep do we need?
The vast majority of sleep experts concur that individuals require a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. The following is a breakdown of the recommended quantity of sleep you should obtain on a daily basis according to your age:
Age | Recommended amount of sleep |
0–3 months | 14–17 hours total |
4–12 months | 12–16 hours total |
1–2 years | 11–14 hours total |
3–5 years | 10–13 hours total |
9–12 years | 9–12 hours total |
13–18 years | 8–10 hours total |
18–60 years | at least 7 hours per night |
61–64 years | 7–9 hours per night |
65 years and older | 7–8 hours per night |
Effects of not obtaining sufficient amounts of sleep
If you find that you fall asleep during the day, this could be an indication that you aren’t getting enough sleep at night. Accidents, impatience, and forgetfulness are some of the other side effects that could occur.
Consistently failing to get enough sleep can have negative effects on one’s health, some of which are more long-term in nature. These are the following:
- being unwell more often
- hypertension; high blood pressure (hypertension)
- diabetes
- coronary artery disease
- obesity
- depression
Effects of sleeping for an excessively long period of time
While it has been known for a long time that not getting enough sleep can have negative impacts on one’s health, experts are just now beginning to look into the adverse effects that might come from sleeping too much.
If you find that you require more than eight to nine hours of sleep on a nightly basis, along with the possibility that you require naps on top of this amount, you may be sleeping too much.
An excess of sleep can have many of the same negative consequences as an inadequate amount of sleep, including the following:
- depression
- irritability
- cardiovascular issues
On the other hand, these consequences might not always be attributable to the act of sleeping for an excessively long time itself. It’s possible that the need for extra sleep is actually a symptom of anything more serious going on with your health.
The following are some of the possibilities:
- anxiety
- depression
- sleep apnea
- The disorder known as Parkinson’s
- diabetes
- coronary artery disease
- obesity
- thyroid disorders
- asthma
When should I go to sleep?
The optimal time to go to sleep at night is whenever you are able to get the required amount of sleep for your age group within the time range you are considering.
If you know what time you have to be awake in the morning and count backwards by seven hours, you may determine the optimal time for you to go to bed based on your schedule (the recommended minimum per night for adults).
If you have to be awake by six in the morning, for instance, you should give some thought to winding down earlier than eleven at night.
Establishing a sleep routine that you are able to adhere to each and every night, even on the weekends, is another important step. If you have a habit of staying up late on the weekends and sleeping in on those same days, it may be challenging for you to get back on schedule during the week.
In general, it is advisable to get to bed at an earlier hour each night and get up at an earlier hour each day. Nevertheless, this particular timetable for sleeping might not be suitable for everyone.
It is of a much higher priority to ensure that you receive enough sleep and that the sleep you do get is of high quality. You may make this a reality by maintaining a consistent schedule for when you go to bed and when you get up each day.
If you are having problems falling asleep at night or if you continue to feel daytime sleepiness after adhering to a regular bedtime schedule, you should make an appointment with a medical professional. This could be an indication of problems with the quality of sleep, which may merit further research.
Read Also- Purpose of Sleep
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- Brain basics: Understanding sleep. (2019). - Get enough sleep. (2018). - A good night’s sleep. (2016). - How much sleep do I need? (2017).