Evangeline Lyrics – Stephen Sanchez

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Introduction of Evangeline Lyrics

Evangeline Lyrics is a song written and produced by Stephen Sanchez. The singer of this beautiful track is also Stephen Sanchez. The song is published by Stephen Sanchez.

The song was published on 25th January 2023.

Evangeline Lyrics
Evangeline Lyrics

Evangeline Song Details:

Singer(s):Stephen Sanchez
Producer(s):Stephen Sanchez
Written by:Stephen Sanchez
Label(©):Stephen Sanchez
Evangeline Song Details

Meaning of Evangeline Lyrics

The first verse of the song “Evangeline” expresses the singer’s desire to be with the person he loves. He is willing to give everything just to make them his own. The singer also offers to be there for the person whenever they need someone to talk to or just some time to themselves. He also mentions being able to put the person’s dreams to sleep, possibly referring to being able to calm their worries and fears.

In the chorus, the singer urges the person not to go to sleep or rest their head because he wants to be there for them as a pillow and a bed. He wants to hold their dreams as they lie to rest, possibly meaning that he wants to protect them and keep them safe. The repetition of the name “Evangeline” implies that the singer is singing directly to a specific person, possibly the person he loves.

The second verse of the song continues the theme of being in love and wanting to be with the person. The singer describes himself as being “a thousand degrees in love” and feeling sick of the guessing and uncertainty between them. He sees the person as his angel in the doorway, someone he couldn’t bear to lose. He questions why the person would stay refused, possibly referring to them not reciprocating his feelings or not being willing to be together.

The chorus repeats with the same message as before, the singer urging the person not to go to sleep or rest their head because he wants to be there for them as a pillow and a bed, holding their dreams as they lie to rest, and addressing Evangeline.

Evangeline Lyrics

Baby, give it all
I’d give it all just to make you mine
And if you need a minute
Honey, I’ll give you all my time, all the time
Do you need The Sandman?
Or a phone call to Mr. Jones? Ohh
I’ll put your dreams to sleep
With rattling bones

So, don’t go to sleep, don’t rest your head
I’ll be the pillow, and I’ll be the bed
Holding your dreams as you lie to rest
Evangeline, Evangeline
Don’t go to sleep, don’t rest your head
I’ll be the pillow, and I’ll be the bed
Holding your dreams as you lie to rest

Anybody call a doctor
I’m a thousand degrees in love, ohh
And I’m sick of all the guessing
Between the two of us
You’re my angel in the doorway
I couldn’t bare to lose you
And if you’re so in love
Honey, why stay refused?

So, don’t go to sleep, don’t rest your head
I’ll be the pillow, and I’ll be the bed
Holding your dreams as you lie to rest
Evangeline, Evangeline
Don’t go to sleep, don’t rest your head
I’ll be the pillow, and I’ll be the bed
Holding your dreams as you lie to rest

Evangeline Lyrics Video Song

Evangeline Lyrics Video Song

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