Fundamentals of Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrency is known by many different names. You’ve probably heard of some of the most well-known cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular as online payment options. Before you convert real dollars, euros, pounds, or other traditional currencies into (the symbol for Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency), you should understand what cryptocurrencies are, the risks associated with using cryptocurrencies, and how to protect your investment.

What exactly is cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that was created through the use of encryption algorithms. Because of the use of encryption technologies, cryptocurrencies can function as both a currency and a virtual accounting system. A cryptocurrency wallet is required to use cryptocurrencies. These wallets can be software that is a cloud-based service or software that is installed on your computer or mobile device. Wallets are the tools that you use to store your encryption keys, which confirm your identity and connect to your cryptocurrency.

What are the disadvantages of using cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy, and the market for these digital coins is highly volatile. Because cryptocurrencies are not regulated by banks or any other third party, they are uninsured and difficult to convert into a form of tangible currency (such as US dollars or euros.) Furthermore, because cryptocurrencies are technology-based intangible assets, they can be hacked in the same way as any other intangible technology asset. Finally, because your cryptocurrencies are stored in a digital wallet, if you lose your wallet (or access to it or wallet backups), you will lose your entire cryptocurrency investment.

To protect your cryptocurrencies, follow these guidelines:

Take a look before you leap! Before you invest in a cryptocurrency, make sure you understand how it works, where you can use it, and how to exchange it. Read the currency’s webpages (such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, or Litecoin) to fully understand how it works, as well as independent articles on the cryptocurrencies you’re considering.

Use a reputable wallet. You will need to do some research to find the best wallet for your needs. If you choose to manage your cryptocurrency wallet with a local application on your computer or mobile device, you must protect it at a level commensurate with your investment. Just as you wouldn’t carry a million dollars around in a paper bag, don’t put your cryptocurrency in an unknown or lesser-known wallet. Make certain that you use a reputable wallet.

Have a backup plan.

Consider what would happen if your computer or mobile device (or wherever you keep your wallet) was lost or stolen, or if you didn’t have access to it. You will have no way of recovering your cryptocurrency without a backup strategy, and you may lose your investment.

How does cryptocurrency work?

Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain, a distributed public ledger that keeps track of all transactions that are updated and held by currency holders.

Mining is a process that uses computer power to solve complex mathematical problems that generate coins to create cryptocurrency units. Users can also purchase the currencies from brokers and use cryptographic wallets to store and spend them.

You don’t own anything tangible if you own cryptocurrency. What you have is a key that allows you to transfer a record or a unit of measurement from one person to another without the assistance of a trusted third party.

Although Bitcoin has been around since 2009, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology applications are still emerging in financial terms, with more uses expected in the future. The technology could eventually be used to trade bonds, stocks, and other financial assets.

Examples of cryptocurrencies

There are numerous cryptocurrencies. Among the most well-known are:


Bitcoin, which was founded in 2009, was the first cryptocurrency and is now the most commonly traded. Satoshi Nakamoto created the currency, which is widely assumed to be a pseudonym for an individual or group of people whose specific identity is unknown.


Ethereum, which was created in 2015, is a blockchain platform with its own cryptocurrency known as Ether (ETH) or Ethereum. After Bitcoin, it is the most widely used cryptocurrency.


This money is most similar to bitcoin, however it has moved faster to build new innovations, such as speedier payments and processes to allow for more transactions.


Ripple, which was launched in 2012, is a distributed ledger system. Ripple may be used to track more than simply financial transactions. It was developed in collaboration with numerous banks and financial entities.

To distinguish them from the original, non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies are referred to as “altcoins.”

How to buy cryptocurrency

You may be wondering how to safely purchase cryptocurrency. Typically, three steps are involved. They are as follows:

Step 1: Select a platform

The first step is to decide on a platform. In general, you have the option of using a standard broker or a dedicated cryptocurrency exchange:

Brokers who are traditional.

These are online brokers who provide services for purchasing and selling cryptocurrencies as well as other financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs. These platforms typically have lower trading fees but fewer crypto features.

Exchanges of cryptocurrencies

There are numerous cryptocurrency exchanges to select from, each with its own set of cryptocurrencies, wallet storage, interest-bearing account options, and other features. Asset-based fees are charged by several exchanges.

Consider which cryptocurrencies are available, the fees they charge, the security features, storage and withdrawal choices, and any educational materials when comparing different platforms.

Step 2: Adding money to your account

After you’ve decided on a platform, the next step is to fund your account so you can start trading. Most crypto exchanges allow users to buy crypto with fiat (government-issued) currencies like the US dollar, British pound, or Euro using their debit or credit cards, though this varies by platform.

Credit card purchases of cryptocurrency are deemed dangerous, and some exchanges do not accept them. Crypto transactions are also not permitted by some credit card companies. This is due to the extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies, and it is not prudent to risk going into debt – or perhaps paying hefty credit card transaction fees – for some assets.

Some systems accept ACH and wire transfers as well. The payment methods accepted and the time required for deposits and withdrawals vary each platform. Similarly, the time it takes for deposits to settle varies according to payment type.

Fees are a significant consideration. These could include deposit and withdrawal transaction fees, as well as trading costs. Fees will vary depending on payment method and platform, so do your homework ahead of time.

Step 3: Making a purchase

You can place an order through the web or mobile platform of your broker or exchange. If you wish to buy cryptocurrencies, click “buy,” then select the order type, input the amount of coins you want to buy, and confirm the order. The identical procedure is followed for “sell” orders.

There are alternative ways to invest in cryptocurrency. Payment systems such as PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo allow customers to buy, trade, or store cryptocurrencies. There are also the following investment vehicles:

Trusts in Bitcoin:

Bitcoin trust shares can be purchased using a traditional brokerage account. These vehicles provide regular investors with access to cryptocurrency through the stock market.

Mutual funds for bitcoin:

Bitcoin ETFs and Bitcoin mutual funds are available.

Blockchain stocks or exchange-traded funds (ETFs):

You can also invest in cryptocurrency indirectly through blockchain companies that specialize in the technology that powers crypto and crypto transactions. You can also invest in stocks or ETFs of firms that utilise blockchain technology.

The best option for you will depend on your investment goals and risk appetite.

How to store cryptocurrency?

Once you’ve obtained bitcoin, you must keep it safe to avoid hackers or theft. Cryptocurrency is typically stored in crypto wallets, which are physical hardware or online software that securely store the private keys to your cryptocurrencies. Some exchanges offer wallet services, allowing you to store directly through the site. However, not all exchanges or brokers will automatically supply you with wallet services.

There are numerous wallet providers to select from. The terms “hot wallet” and “cold wallet” are used interchangeably:

Hot wallet storage:

The term “hot wallets” refers to crypto storage that employs online software to safeguard your assets’ private keys.

Cold wallet storage:

Cold wallets (also known as hardware wallets) rely on offline electrical devices to securely store your private keys, as opposed to hot wallets.
Cold wallets typically charge fees, whereas hot wallets do not.

What can you buy with cryptocurrency?

When it was first introduced, Bitcoin was meant to be a medium for daily transactions, allowing users to purchase anything from a cup of coffee to a computer or even large-ticket things such as real estate. That hasn’t happened yet, and while the number of institutions adopting cryptocurrencies is increasing, significant transactions involving them are uncommon. Nonetheless, crypto can be used to purchase a wide range of things through e-commerce platforms. Here are a couple such examples:

Technology and e-commerce websites:

Several tech corporations, like, AT&T, and Microsoft, accept cryptocurrency on their websites. Overstock, an online retailer, was among the first to take Bitcoin. It is also accepted by Shopify, Rakuten, and Home Depot.

Luxury items:

Some high-end retailers accept cryptocurrency as payment. For example, online luxury store Bitdials accepts Bitcoin in exchange for Rolex, Patek Philippe, and other high-end timepieces.


Some vehicle dealerships, ranging from mass-market to high-end luxury, already accept cryptocurrencies as payment.


AXA, a Swiss insurer, stated in April 2021 that it has began taking Bitcoin as a form of payment for all of its insurance lines excluding life insurance (due to regulatory issues). Premier Shield Insurance, which sells house and vehicle insurance coverage in the United States, accepts Bitcoin as payment for premiums.

You can use a bitcoin debit card, such as BitPay in the United States, to spend cryptocurrency at a retailer that does not accept it directly.

Bitcoin fraud and cryptocurrency scams

Unfortunately, bitcoin crime is becoming more prevalent. Scams involving cryptocurrency include:

Fake websites:

Fake testimonials and crypto jargon on websites offering big, guaranteed profits if you keep investing.

Ponzi schemes on the internet:

Cryptocurrency thieves offer fictitious opportunities to invest in digital currencies and create the illusion of massive returns by repaying existing investors with the money of new investors. Before its offenders were arrested in December 2019, BitClub Network raised more than $700 million.

Endorsements from “celebrities”:

Scammers act as millionaires or well-known figures on the internet, promising to multiply your investment in a virtual currency but instead stealing what you contribute. They may even utilize messaging applications or chat forums to spread rumors that a well-known businessperson is supporting a particular cryptocurrency. After encouraging investors to buy and driving up the price, the scammers sell their stake, and the currency’s value falls.

Romance scamming:

The FBI has issued a warning about an increase in online dating scams in which con artists persuade people they meet on dating apps or social media to invest or trade in virtual currencies. In the first seven months of 2021, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Centre received over 1,800 reports of crypto-focused romance scams, with losses totaling $133 million.

Otherwise, fraudsters may pose as legitimate virtual currency dealers or set up fraudulent exchanges in order to defraud individuals out of their money. Another type of cryptocurrency scam involves false sales pitches for cryptocurrency-based individual retirement plans. Then there’s plain cryptocurrency hacking, in which hackers break into people’s digital wallets to steal their virtual currency.

Is cryptocurrencies secure?

Blockchain technology is commonly used to create cryptocurrencies. Blockchain defines how transactions are time stamped and recorded into “blocks.” It’s a rather intricate, technical procedure, but the end result is a digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that hackers find difficult to manipulate.

Furthermore, transactions necessitate a two-factor authentication process. To begin a transaction, for example, you may be requested to enter a username and password. Then, you may be required to provide an authentication number sent to your personal cell phone through text message.

While security measures are in place, this does not mean that cryptocurrencies are impenetrable. Several high-value hacks have cost bitcoin startups a lot of money. Hackers stole $534 million from Coincheck and $195 million from BitGrail, making them two of the largest cryptocurrency attacks of 2018.

In contrast to government-backed money, the value of virtual currencies is totally determined by supply and demand. This can result in huge swings that result in significant gains or losses for investors. Furthermore, bitcoin investments have significantly less regulatory protection than traditional financial assets such as equities, bonds, and mutual funds.

Four guidelines for investing securely in cryptocurrencies

According to Consumer Reports, all investments involve risk, but some experts believe bitcoin is one of the riskier investing options available. If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies, following suggestions might help you make informed decisions.

Research exchanges:

Learn about bitcoin exchanges before you invest. There are around 500 exchanges to choose from, according to estimates. Before proceeding, conduct research, read reviews, and consult with more experienced investors.

Know where to keep your digital currency:

When you purchase cryptocurrency, you must store it. You can save it in a digital wallet or on an exchange. While there are various types of wallets, each has its own set of advantages, technological needs, and security. You should examine your storage options before investing, just as you would with exchanges.

Diversify your investment portfolio:

Diversification is essential in any solid investment strategy, and this is especially true when investing in cryptocurrencies. Don’t put all of your money into Bitcoin just because the name is familiar to you. There are thousands of possibilities, and it is best to diversify your investments across multiple currencies.

Prepare for volatility:

Because the bitcoin market is highly volatile, expect ups and downs. Prices will fluctuate dramatically. If your investing portfolio or mental health can’t take it, bitcoin may not be the best option for you.

Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now, but keep in mind that it is still in its infancy and is very speculative. Investing in something new has risks, so be prepared. If you intend to engage, do your homework and begin by investing conservatively.

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Disclaimer: Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is extremely dangerous and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by or the author to do so. Because every person’s circumstance is different, a knowledgeable specialist should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or timeliness of the material provided on this website.


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