The lighting circumstances may be a difficulty for the indoor gardener, but happily there are a lot of indoor plants that can thrive in low light, so you have lots of options even if you don’t have a lot of windowsills that get the sun.

Even if they are not exposed to direct sunlight, low-light houseplants should be able to thrive in a room that faces either east or west and has at least two windows. However, even the most shade-tolerant plants will have a tough time thriving in a room that either has no windows at all or just one window that faces north. If this is the case, you may aid your plants by putting on artificial lights for a few hours each day. This will allow them to better absorb the light.
Here is a list of 21 low-light indoor plants that can thrive in your home even if your windows don’t let in a lot of natural light.
1.Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)
Epiphytic means that they grow naturally on other plants rather than in soil. Staghorn ferns are known to be epiphytic. Their distinctively green leaves may become very enormous and often take on the appearance of antlers on a deer. They may be grown as houseplants placed on wooden boards, which results in the creation of exquisite works of natural art. They are more comfortable in the shade and will suffer from sunburn if exposed to it. Be careful to give them enough time to completely dry out in between waterings.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Full cover produces a light glow.
Size at Maturity: Wide and Up to Two Metres Tall
Expert level of difficulty
2.Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
One of the houseplants that is both versatile and simple to cultivate is known as the spider plant. The plant’s star-shaped blossoms eventually transform into spider-like green offshoots, often known as spiderettes. These spiderettes hang down from the parent plant’s long and thin green leaves like spiders on a web, which is how the plant got its name. Spider plants may be cultivated as trailing or hanging plants in baskets or pots. They can also be grown in containers. They are able to endure artificial light as well as other less-than-ideal lighting situations for an extended period of time. Be careful to water the soil on a consistent basis to keep it from drying up completely.
Varieties of Leaf Colour: green or variegated foliage
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at maturity: 1 to 2 feet in height and width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
3. Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)
The foliage of polka dot plants is known for drawing attention to itself. In most cases, the leaves have a pink base colour with green dots, although there are other variants with various colour combinations. Both indoors and outside, these plants perform well with a little bit of shadow. An excess of sunlight may cause the colours of the leaves to fade. In a building, the best location for a window is either east or west.
Varieties of leaf colour include spotted leaves in pink, green, purple, red, and white respectively.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at maturity: 1 to 2 feet in height and width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
4.Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
Lucky bamboo plants may be grown in either soil or water, making them an ideal choice for both households and commercial settings. They often have sculptural stalks or stalks that are braided and are dotted with little green leaves. It is often believed that fortunate bamboo plants, which are an essential part of the Feng Shui practise, can bring one success and prosperity, particularly if the plants were given as presents. The fact that they have a well-deserved reputation for being practically indestructible also works in their favour. Although it does better with a little bit of light, lucky bamboo can tolerate almost complete darkness and still survive. Just remember to move them away from any sections of your house that are prone to draughts. Because they may be hazardous to animals, you should keep a safe distance from them.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: 1 to 5 feet in height, and 1 to 2 feet in width (indoors).
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
5.Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
The Sansevieria species are among of the easiest low-light houseplants to care for and cultivate, making them some of the most ideal options for growing inside. They have a distinctive look because to the thick, green leaves that they develop, which resemble swords and may reach heights of up to eight feet. The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is a plant that has a very long lifespan and may continue to flourish for decades. Although it may thrive in extremely shaded situations, it grows best in conditions that provide just moderate shade. Also, be careful not to water it excessively, particularly if it is not exposed to direct sunshine, which might cause the soil to dry up. The root rot that results from overwatering might be fatal to the plant. Take note that dogs should avoid contact with the snake plant.
Varieties in leaf colour include dark green leaves with a striped margin and gray-green patterns.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at maturity ranges from 6 millimetres to 8 metres.
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
6. English Ivy (Hedera helix)
It is possible for English ivy to spread as a ground cover when grown outside; however, when grown as an indoor plant in low light, it only creates a lovely trailing impression with its thin and delicate green leaves. If you’re growing English ivy inside, you should position it in a spot that gets indirect light. Be careful to spray the plant on a regular basis to maintain an appropriate level of humidity, and if at all feasible, place it in a room with a temperature that is no higher than around 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night. It is important to be cautious about where you let English ivy to grow since the plant may be harmful to both people and animals.
Varieties of Leaf Colour: Olive and dark green
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
At maturity, the plant attains the greatest potential height and width.
Indoors, the difficulty level is “needy.”
7 . Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)
The evergreen Chinese plant has leaves that are oval in shape and glossy green in colour. It has short stems. These evergreens thrive in shady conditions, making them ideal choices for growing as low-light houseplants. Keep them away from the direct sunshine since it might cause the leaves to wilt. If you are cultivating a variegated type, you should provide it with strong yet indirect light so that it may create its most vibrant colour. However, it is possible for all types to thrive in shady environments. This plant should not come into contact with any animals since it contains toxins.
Variations in Leaf Colour: From a dark green to a silvery foliage
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: 1 to 3 feet in height and width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
8 . Wax Begonia (Begonia semperflorens)
Wax begonias are attractive, low-maintenance additions to a collection of houseplants because of their colourful flowers and glossy, golden, green, or maroon foliage. Wax begonias are delightful little plants with a variety of leaf colours. Because exposure to direct sunshine might lead them to become stressed, they like having some shade both indoors and outside. Although a sunny, indirect window is ideal for maximum blooming, these plants are hardy enough to live in settings with less light. Because they are poisonous to animals, you should keep them out of the reach of your pets.
Flowers may be a variety of colours, including red, pink, or white.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at maturity: between 6 and 18 inches tall, and between 6 and 12 inches broad
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
9 . Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)
Cast iron plants have a reputation for being indestructible houseplants, which is well justified by the general public. However, they are really attractive plants, with huge glossy leaves that arch gracefully and have a rich, dark green colour. They are able to endure a wide variety of forms of neglect, including a deficiency of light and water. However, you should preferably water them when you can insert your finger in the soil and it feels dry. This is the optimum time to water them. Regarding the light, you should keep them away from direct sunlight since it might cause the leaves to get charred. The perfect window would be one that faces north.
Varieties of Leaf Colour: Olive and dark green
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: between 2 and 3 feet in height, and between 1 and 2 feet in width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
10 . Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Indoor plants that need little light and are able to thrive with little attention are called peace lilies. They are characterised by the production of huge leaves that are dark green and by the occasional appearance of exquisite white flowers. What they do need, however, is a sufficient amount of water; without it, the foliage would wither. However, giving the vegetation a drink of water will often bring it back to life. The ideal location for these plants, which thrive in shady conditions, is someplace that gets indirect light. Because the plant may be hazardous, it should be kept away from both children and animals.
Variations in the Colours of the Leaves and blooms: White blooms and dark green leaves
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Indoors, mature size ranges from 1 to 4 feet in height and width.
Needy people may be difficult.
11 .Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
The golden pothos is able to live in settings in which nearly no other plants can grow, such as in conditions with very little light and in conditions where there is almost no water at all. Because of its smooth, leathery leaves that are shaped like hearts and the fact that its vines are beautiful, long-lasting, and simple to cultivate, it is one of the most popular houseplants. Some types feature leaves that have a peculiar marbling pattern that alternate along green stems that resemble rope. Make it a habit to shake out the vines and give them a little dusting on a regular basis to keep them from becoming a tangled mess. Because the plant produces harmful substances, it should be kept away from any animals.
Varieties of Leaf Colour: green or variegated foliage
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: 20 to 40 feet in length and 3 to 6 feet in width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
12 . Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum)
The maidenhair fern is characterised by its dainty, fan-shaped leaflets that are grouped together on its black stalks. It is a common houseplant that thrives in low light and brings a dash of green to every room it inhabits. But in order for these ferns to grow, the soil must be kept continually wet without becoming soaked. In addition to this, they like an atmosphere that is warm and humid, in addition to a site that is sheltered from the sun.
Varieties of Leaves: leaf with a medium green colour
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: 1 to 2 feet in height and width
Needy people may be difficult.
13 . Silver Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)
The Silver Pothos, often referred to as Satin Pothos, is relatively similar to the Golden Pothos; however, the leaves of the Silver Pothos have a matt green colour with silver spots. These plants grow well in the circumstances found inside, which may include spots that do not get a great deal of light. It is advisable to grow the plant in a position that provides bright, indirect light; nevertheless, the plant may tolerate conditions with less light. Because pothos thrive in humid environments, it is best to give them a little misting on a regular basis. However, you should keep them away from any animals in your home since they are poisonous.
Varieties of leaf colour include green and silver.
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Length at maturity ranges from 4 to 10 feet.
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
14 . ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
The ZZ plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that, in theory, can live on its own even without direct exposure to sunshine. As a result, you’ll find it in a lot of workplaces that don’t have windows. Because the plant’s leaves are so glossy, broad, and oval-shaped, and they grow in an upward direction, it is impossible to overlook. However, the plant thrives in a bright but indirect light environment the best. These plants may also do well in dry conditions and should be allowed to get completely parched in between waterings. Due to the fact that the plants contain toxins, keep them away from both children and animals.
Varieties of Leaf Colour: Olive and dark green
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Size at maturity: between 2 and 4 feet in height and width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
15. Anthurium (Anthurnium spp.)
Anthurium is the scientific name for a genus of tropical plants that have vivid blooms and luxuriant foliage. It is also known as the flamingo flower. These plants may be cultivated successfully inside in environments with high humidity and soil that is regularly wet without being soaked. The optimal setting is one that has abundant direct and indirect light. The leaves might be fried by the direct sunlight. Due to the fact that these plants contain poison, keep them away from both children and animals.
Flowers may be a variety of colours, including red, pink, or white.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at maturity: 9 to 12 inches at the widest point and 12 to 18 inches in height
Expert level of difficulty
16 . Guzmania (Bromeliad Guzmania)
This stunning species, like many bromeliads, thrives best with less direct light, despite the fact that its vibrant colours evoke images of the tropics and may give the impression that it requires a lot of sunlight. These brilliant plants sprout straight from trees when they are allowed to grow wild, and their roots do not need soil since they never reach the earth. As the plant matures, it may eventually become top heavy and need a more substantial container. Guzmanias are simple houseplants that require little maintenance and thrive in orchid-mix soil. As long as they are shielded from the direct sunlight, these gorgeous tropical plants will thrive with a daily mist and some wet soil.
Varieties of leaf colour include green and multicoloured.
Lighting: dim and indirect light.
Size at maturity: up to 2 feet in height and width
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
17 . Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)
The Swiss cheese plant, often referred to as the split-leaf philodendron, is characterised by the development of huge, leathery, green leaves that have pronounced holes. These plants are adapted to growing in gloomy environments and thrive best when given indirect, strong light when grown indoors. An excess of light might cause the plants to wilt and die. These plants should not be eaten by animals.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Size at Maturity: 3 feet in Height, 2 to 3 feet in Spread
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
18 . Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)
Philodendrons are popular houseplants because they are simple to care for and because the long green vines and heart-shaped leaves that they produce give a room an atmosphere reminiscent of the tropical rainforest. It is important to dust the vines on a regular basis in order to maintain them looking their best. In terms of lighting, the best window for an interior space is one that lets in plentiful yet indirect sunshine. These plants are able to thrive in environments with low levels of light, although their stem development may be stunted and they may have few leaves. Philodendrons are poisonous plants, therefore be sure that young children and animals are kept far away from them.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
At maturity, the tree may reach heights of 10 to 20 feet and a width of 3 to 6 feet.
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
19 . Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)
The prayer plant is a tiny, low-growing tropical plant that is known for its gorgeous tricolored leaves that may either be oval or roundish in shape. It is possible to cultivate it successfully inside by providing it with enough temperature and humidity. The leaves of these plants may be damaged by prolonged exposure to direct sunshine; nevertheless, they are highly tolerant of low-light settings. It would be wonderful to have a window that lets in light that is both brilliant and indirect.
There are a variety of leaf colours, including dark green leaves with yellow and red patterns.
Light: varying degrees of partial shade to total shadow
Height and width at maturity range from 6 to 12 inches.
Needy people may be difficult.
20 . Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)
The dragon tree belongs to the genus Dracaena and is able to thrive in partially shaded environments so that its sword-like, green leaves with crimson edges may grow erect. In addition to this, it requires relatively little attention and can withstand harsh conditions. When kept indoors, the tree seldom grows to be more than six feet tall, and it requires repotting no more often than once every two to three years. The ideal window will have both direct and indirect light coming through it. It is able to endure situations with less light, however the leaves on the plant may become more diminutive than typical. This plant should not be consumed by animals.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
The mature size ranges from 3 to 10 feet in width to 15 to 20 feet in height.
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty
21 . Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)
Corn plants, which belong to the Dracaena genus as well, generate thick canes, which are more often known as stalks, from which long, thin upright leaves sprout. They are common houseplants that may grow to a height of nearly six feet when kept indoors. These plants should not be placed in areas that get direct sunlight as this might cause the leaves to wilt and even catch fire. Even though they like indirect bright light, they may still thrive in somewhat shaded environments. Because of the toxicity of these plants, keep your pets away from them.
Varieties of Green Leaves are Present.
Light: Somewhat of a partial shadow
Indoors, it will grow to a height of six feet.
Easy to maintain in terms of difficulty