The story began with an aspiring magician from a Nelwyn village and an infant girl destined to unify the kingdoms, who worked together to overthrow a wicked queen and banish the forces of darkness. Now, in a magical world teeming with brownies, sorcerers, trolls, and other mystical creatures, the adventure continues as an unlikely group of heroes embark on a perilous journey to areas far beyond their home, where they must confront their inner demons and band together to defend their world.
Willow season 1 is a Disney+ adventure fantasy series. Willow season 1 stars Warwick Davis, Ruby Cruz, and Erin Kellyman.
Continue reading to learn more about the episode lengths and overall length of Willow Season 1.
Willow Season 1 Total Episodes List and Length of Each Episode
Episode Name | Episode Number | Run Time |
The Gales | S1E1 | 52 minutes |
The High Aldwin | S1E2 | 44 minutes |
The Battle of Slaughtered Lamb | S1E3 | 45 minutes |
The Whispers of Nockmaar | S1E4 | 47 minutes |
Willow Season 1 has a total of 8 episodes.
Willow season 1 episode 1 (S1E1) ‘The Gales’ lasts 52 minutes.
Willow season 1 episode 2 (S1E2) ‘The High Aldwin’ lasts 44 minutes.
Willow season 1 episode 3 (S1E3) ‘The Battle of Slaughtered Lamb’ is 45 minutes long.
Willow season 1 episode 4 (S1E4) ‘The Whispers of Nockmaar’ lasts 47 minutes.
Other Willow season 1 episodes’ run times and episode titles will be added as they become available.
Here are some frequently asked questions about Willow season 1.
Is Willow 2022 a remake?
What are humans called in Willow?
Is Willow kid friendly?
How many episodes are there in Willow season 1?
Where can you see WillowTV Series
Willow | Official Teaser Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube