Coughing is completely natural in most cases. It is possible that coughing will assist in clearing your throat of phlegm and other irritants. However, persistent coughing can be a sign of a number of medical issues, including
- a hypersensitivity
- virus infection
- an infection caused by bacteria
Sometimes a cough isn’t due to anything related to your lungs. Coughing is another symptom that can be caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (GERD).
Coughs caused by colds, allergies, or sinus infections can be treated with a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Antibiotics are required for bacterial infections.
Along with drug treatment, you can ask your doctor about additional methods to treat your cough. We have included a list of several home remedies for you to think about using.
Treat Cough with Honey
Honey has been used to treat a sore throat for as long as anybody can remember. It is also able to treat coughs more efficiently than over-the-counter drugs that contain the cough suppressant dextromethorphan (DM), according to a study that was cited in the article. Source.
You can make your own solution at home by combining up to 2 tablespoons of honey with herbal tea, warm water, and lemon. Another option is to mix honey with warm water and lemon.
Honey has a calming effect, while lemon juice may be beneficial for clearing up congestion in the throat. You could also just consume the two teaspoons of honey by itself, or you could make a spread out of it and eat it over toast as a snack.
You can buy Honey at cheap Price in Amazon India and Amazon USA.
Treat Cough with Probiotics
Microorganisms known as Probiotics have been shown to confer a variety of positive health effects. Although they do not directly alleviate coughing, they do help to restore a healthy balance to the flora in your digestive tract. The bacteria that call your intestines home are referred to as your gastrointestinal flora.
This equilibrium can help support the operation of the immune system throughout the body. Although the evidence is not yet solid, a study that was conducted in 2015 revealed that participants who were given different strains of Probiotics had a lower risk of acquiring upper respiratory infections after receiving those Probiotics.
It’s possible that the daily doses recommended by each supplement manufacturer are different. In addition to being added to certain kinds of Yogurt, Probiotics can also be found naturally in foods like Miso soup and sourdough bread.
Given the variations of Probiotics available, you should talk with your doctor about which Probiotic is right for you and your condition. The most natural way to get Probiotics is through fermented foods, including:
Treat Cough with Bromelain
It’s possible that you’ve never heard of Bromelain, which is found in pineapple, which is why you don’t typically think of pineapple as a cough treatment.
There is some circumstantial evidence to suggest that Bromelain, an enzyme that is unique to pineapples and can only be found in the fruit and stems of pineapples, can help suppress coughs and break up mucus in the throat.
If you want to get the most out of pineapple and bromelain, you should consume three servings of fresh pineapple juice or one slice of pineapple per day. One serving of fresh pineapple juice is equal to 3.5 fluid ounces.
There are also suggestions that it can help reduce sinusitis and sinus troubles that are brought on by allergies, both of which can contribute to coughing and mucus production. On the other hand, there is not enough evidence to substantiate this claim from a Trusted Source.
Inflammation and edema are two conditions that it is occasionally used to treat.
Supplements containing bromelain should not be taken by children or adults who are also taking blood thinners. Also, if you are taking antibiotics like amoxicillin, you should use bromelain with caution because it can increase the amount of the antibiotic that is absorbed by the body.
Always see your primary care physician before trying any new or unusual dietary supplements.
Treat Cough with Peppermint
It is common knowledge that the leaves of peppermint have therapeutic qualities. Peppermint contains menthol, which has been shown to help calm the throat and give the illusion of making breathing easier.
You can reap the benefits of peppermint by either sipping peppermint tea or inhaling the vapors of peppermint that are produced during a steam treatment.
To produce a steam treatment, combine approximately one cup of water that has just finished boiling with seven or eight drops of peppermint essential oil. Wrap a towel around your head, and while keeping your face above the water, take some deep breaths.
Treat Cough with Marshmallow root
Althaea officinalis, a perennial that blooms in the summer, is used to make marshmallow root. It’s not the same as roasting a squishy marshmallow over a fire.
Since ancient times, the leaves and roots of the marshmallow plant have been used to cure sore throats and quell coughs.
A lab study conducted in 2020 discovered that the marshmallow plant was helpful at reducing coughs due to its soothing effect on sensitive tissues of the throat and sinuses. This could be attributed to the plant’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Mucilage, which covers the throat and calms inflammation, is also found in marshmallow root.
Marshmallow root is now available as a tea or in pill form. Warm tea might relieve a cough that is accompanied by a sore throat.
Although marshmallow root and leaves are generally regarded safe, they are not recommended for children.
Treat Cough with Thyme
Some people find that thyme is helpful for treating respiratory conditions. It was reported in a small study that involved 361 persons with acute bronchitis that the essence produced from thyme leaves blended with ivy can help reduce coughing and short-term bronchitis. The study was conducted by a trustworthy source.
Flavonoids are included inside the leaves, and they work to relax the muscles in the throat that are involved in coughing, as well as to reduce inflammation.
At home, you can brew your own thyme tea by combining one cup of rapidly boiling water with two tablespoons of crushed thyme leaves. Cover the cup, allow the mixture to steep for ten minutes, and then filter it.
Treat Cough with Saltwater gargle
Gargling with a solution made of salt and water may seem like an overly simplistic treatment, but it can actually help relieve a scratchy throat that is causing coughing. It may be possible to alleviate discomfort by combining a quarter to a half teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of warm water.
It is important to keep in mind that children under the age of six are not particularly adept at gargling, therefore it is recommended to look into other treatments for this age group.
Treat Cough with Ginger
Ginger has long been used in traditional medicine. Although it is most commonly used to alleviate nausea and stomach discomfort, it also has the potential to ease coughing.
Research conducted in a laboratory reveals that ginger can help relax the muscles in the airways. It’s possible that this will help alleviate some of the symptoms of asthma, such coughing.
Additionally, ginger contains anti-inflammatory chemicals, which have the potential to alleviate throat inflammation and swelling.
Ginger tea is the beverage of choice to drink when you have a cough. The soothing effects of the hot liquid on your throat can include a reduction in irritation, dryness, and mucus.
To make ginger tea, slice off a segment of fresh ginger root that is approximately 1 inch long. Bring one cup of water to a boil, then add the tea leaves and continue to boil for ten to fifteen minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea. Ginger tea bags are also available for purchase both in-store and online.
Treat Cough with Slippery elm
The use of slippery elm as a treatment for coughs and sore throats dates back centuries. It is said to relieve inflammation and calm the lining of the throat. [Citation needed]
There is no concrete evidence to support this benefit’s existence. However, there have not been any reports of major adverse effects related with slippery elm.
There are several different forms of slippery elm available, including capsules, tablets, lozenges, and tea. Tea and lozenges are great options for soothing an itchy or sore throat.
Treat Cough with Turmeric
Over the years, coughing has been one of the numerous conditions for which turmeric has been traditionally used as a treatment. Curcumin, which is the main ingredient in turmeric, has powerful anti-inflammatory qualities.
Consuming turmeric with black pepper is advised for optimal results. Piperine, the primary component of black pepper, is responsible for this effect; it boosts the bioavailability of turmeric. Your body will be able to absorb more turmeric if you do this.
You might like to sip on some golden milk or warm turmeric tea. Include a touch of honey and some ground black pepper for added flavor.
Stay away from acid reflux triggers.
Acid reflux, often known as GERD, happens when stomach contents run back into your throat. This can create irritation, which can lead to coughing.
Acid reflux is responsible for approximately 40% of chronic coughs.
If you suspect GERD is causing your symptoms, eliminating frequent trigger foods may be beneficial. This covers dishes such as:
- caffeine
- alcohol
- chocolate
- carbonated drinks
- acidic foods, like citrus juice
Drink plenty of fluids.
It is recommended that in addition to learning how to manage a cough, you also learn how to stop coughs from occurring in the first place.
Make sure you get your annual flu vaccination, which can often be done beginning in October, to help protect against the virus. The following are some more actions that you could take:
- Take precautions to avoid coming into contact with those who are ill. If you are aware that you are ill, you should stay home from work, school, and any other location where you will be in contact with other people in order to prevent spreading your illness to others around you.
- When you cough or sneeze, make sure that your nose and mouth are covered. The best method to do this is to use a tissue that you toss away as soon as you’re done with it, or to cough into your elbow.
- Consume a lot of fluids to keep your body from becoming dehydrated.
- Maintain a regular cleaning schedule for the public spaces in your house, workplace, or educational institution. This is of utmost significance when speaking in terms of countertops, toys, or mobile phones.
- Always make sure to wash your hands, but it is especially important to do so after coughing, eating, using the restroom, or providing care to someone who is ill.
If you suffer from allergies, figuring out which allergens cause your symptoms and limiting exposure to those allergens might help you manage your symptoms more effectively. These are some of the most common allergens:
- trees
- pollen
- dust mites
- animal fur
- mold
- insects
Your sensitivity to allergens can also be reduced by the use of allergy shots, which are another beneficial option. Have a discussion about your options with your primary care physician.
When to Consult a Doctor
If your cough is interfering with your capacity to breathe or if you are coughing up blood, get emergency medical attention.
Allergies do not cause bodily pains or fever, whereas respiratory tract diseases do.
In addition to your cough, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician if you encounter any of the following symptoms:
- chills
- dehydration
- a fever of more than 101°F (38°C)
- malaise, or an overall sense of being ill
- a productive cough with foul-smelling, thick, green or yellow phlegm
- weakness
Honey and saltwater gargles are classic cough treatments. Herbal teas prepared from peppermint, ginger, slippery elm, thyme, turmeric, or marshmallow root are also available.
Bromelain vitamins and probiotics may aid with cough relief, but additional research is needed. Additionally, eliminating trigger foods may assist if your cough is caused by GERD. Drinking enough of fluids is also essential for cough relief.
If your cough persists, consult your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s causing your symptoms and identify the best cough therapy for you.