Main 4 Types of Menstrual Problems

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In this article we are discussing about main 4 types of Menstrual Problems

Main 4 Types of Menstrual Problems
Main 4 Types of Menstrual Problems

Menstrual cycles are frequently associated with a number of unpleasant symptoms preceding your period. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes the most typical symptoms, such as mild cramps and exhaustion, although the symptoms normally disappear once your period arrives.

Other, more serious menstruation disorders may develop as well. Menstruation that is excessively heavy or light, or the entire absence of a cycle, may indicate that there are other disorders causing an atypical menstrual cycle.

Remember that each woman’s “regular” menstrual cycle implies something different to her. A normal cycle for you may be abnormal for someone else. It’s critical to listen to your body and consult your doctor if you detect any substantial changes in your menstrual period.

You may experience a variety of menstrual problems.

Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS appears one to two weeks before your period. Some women have a variety of physical and mental problems. Others experience few or no symptoms at all. PMS can result in:

  • bloating
  • irritability
  • backaches
  • headaches
  • breast soreness
  • acne
  • food cravings
  • excessive fatigue
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • feelings of stress
  • insomnia
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • mild stomach cramps

Every month, you may encounter new symptoms, and the degree of these symptoms may also fluctuate. PMS is unpleasant, but it is normally not concerning unless it interferes with your normal activities.

Heavy Periods

A heavy period is another typical menstrual issue. Heavy periods, also known as menorrhagia, cause you to bleed more than usual. You may also have a period that lasts longer than the typical five to seven days.

Menorrhagia is mostly caused by hormonal abnormalities, particularly progesterone and estrogen.

Other factors that contribute to heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding include:

  • puberty
  • Infections of the cervix
  • Cervical inflammation
  • thyroid gland that is underactive (hypothyroidism)
  • uterine noncancerous tumors (fibroids)
  • dietary or exercise modifications

Absent Periods

Women may miss their period in some instances. This is known as amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea occurs when you do not have your first period by the age of 16. This could be due to a pituitary gland problem, a congenital abnormality of the female reproductive system, or a puberty delay. Secondary amenorrhea happens when you do not have your regular periods for at least six months.

Common causes of primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea in teens include:

  • anorexia
  • overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
  • ovarian cysts
  • sudden weight gain or loss
  • stopping birth control
  • pregnancy

When adults do not menstruate, the common causes are often different. These may include:

  • premature ovarian failure
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (a reproductive infection)
  • stopping birth control
  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding
  • menopause

A missed menstruation may indicate that you are pregnant. If you think you could be pregnant, get a pregnancy test. The cheapest approach to find out if you’re pregnant is to use a drugstore pregnancy test. Wait at least one day after missing your period before taking the test to receive the most reliable results.

Painful Periods

Your period may not only be lighter or heavier than usual, but it may also be unpleasant. Cramps are common during PMS and also happen as your uterus contracts when your period begins. Some women, however, feel terrible discomfort. Extremely painful menstruation, often known as dysmenorrhea, is most likely caused by an underlying medical condition, such as:

  • fibroids
  • pelvic inflammatory disease
  • abnormal tissue growth outside of the uterus (endometriosis)

Menstrual Disorders Diagnosis

Visit your primary care physician for an accurate diagnosis of any menstruation issues you may be experiencing. Your physician will want to know about your symptoms and how long you have been having them for before making a diagnosis. It is a good idea to come prepared with notes on your menstrual cycle, how regular it is, and any symptoms you have been experiencing. This will assist the doctor better understand your condition. Your physician might make use of these notes to assist in determining what is abnormal about the situation.

Your doctor will almost certainly perform a pelvic exam in addition to a physical examination. Your doctor will be able to evaluate your reproductive organs and identify whether or not your vagina or cervix are inflamed by performing a pelvic exam. In addition, a Pap smear will be conducted to rule out the chance of cancer as well as any other disorders that may be present.

Your blood can be tested to establish whether or not hormonal abnormalities are the root of your menstruation difficulties. If your physician or nurse practitioner has reason to believe that you may be pregnant, he or she will order a blood or urine pregnancy test while you are in their office.

In addition to these tests, your doctor may also do the following tests to assist pinpoint the cause of your monthly problems:

  • biopsy of the endometrium (used to extract a sample of your uterine lining that can be sent for further analysis)
  • hysteroscopy (a tiny camera is put into your uterus to enable your doctor discover any abnormalities) (a small camera is inserted into your uterus to help your doctor find any abnormalities)
  • ultrasonography (used to obtain an image of your uterus) (used to produce a picture of your uterus)

Menstrual Disorder Treatment

The sort of treatment will be determined by what is causing your menstrual period troubles. Birth control pills help alleviate PMS symptoms as well as regulate heavy periods. If a heavier or lighter-than-normal flow is caused by a thyroid or other hormonal problem, you may enjoy increased regularity once you begin hormone replacement therapy.

Dysmenorrhea may be caused by hormones, but you may also need additional medical treatment to address the issue. For example, antibiotics are used to treat pelvic inflammatory disease.


Irregularities between periods are typical, therefore the rare light or heavy flow is usually not cause for concern. However, if you are experiencing significant discomfort or a heavy flow of blood clots, you should see your doctor immediately. It is also advised that you seek medical treatment if your periods are less than 21 days apart or more than 35 days apart.

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