Does it feel like there is yeast infection in dogs and your dog’s ears will never get better, despite the fact that they are scratchy, gunky, stinky, or even painful? You’re not alone. One of the most common reasons owners take their dogs to the veterinarian is because yeast infection in dogs ears or they want to dog ear infection treatment.
However, there are natural therapies for dog ear infection that are both safe and efficient for treating ear infections in dogs. In this article you will find dog ear infection symptoms and dog ear infection medicine. The following is a guide for treating ear infections in dogs.

Which is Dog ear infection symptoms?
Because dog ear infections can be uncomfortable or itchy, here are some frequent warning signs that something is wrong with your dog’s ears.
- Head tilting towards the side with the infection
- Head shaking
- Scratching or pawing at ears
- Rubbing ears
- Hot ears
- Smelly ears
- Waxy discharge
- Crusty, scabby or red, irritated skin inside the ear flap
- dog has swollen ear
In severe cases your dog may experience
- Hearing loss
- Loss of balance
- Walking in circles
- Dry eye, nystagmus (quick side to side eye movements)
- Drooping of eyelids or mouth, drooling
- Dropping food, difficulty eating or drinking
If you see any of these critical signs or having dog ear canal infection, you need to make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
However, you may be able to treat milder cases of ear infections at home. That time you should know home remedy for dogear infection. To get right down to business, here is what you should do if you suspect that your dog is suffering from an ear infection right now. But you should come back later and read the rest of the text so that you may gain a better understanding of the different kinds of ear infections, the factors that can cause them, and the steps you can take to avoid getting them in the first place.
What Kind of Ear Infection Does Your Dog Have?
Before you think about dog ear infection treatment, you need to know about the different types of ear infections. They can be in 3 different parts of your dogs’ ear.
Otitis externa
Inflammation or infection of the external part of your dog’s ear (the parts you can see).
Otitis media
This is inflammation or infection of the middle ear parts. In about a sixth of dogs with otitis external, the infection can spread into otitis media. This is a problem in more than half of dogs who have chronic otitis externa. It can also mean a foreign object (like a foxtail) has penetrated the ear drum.
Otitis interna
This is inflammation or infection of the inner ear. Unresolved otitis media can spread to become otitis interna. It can lead to loss of balance and deafness.
Home Remedies For Dog Ear Infection
You may treat dog ear infections at home with safe and efficient solutions. In fact, veterinarian treatments for ear infections should be avoided. Here’s why…
Antibiotics, steroids, and topical therapy are standard dog ear infection treatment choices from your veterinarian. These medications may initially help clean your dog’s ears… However, the issue frequently reappears afterwards. This is because medications only cure visible symptoms. They do not address the underlying problem that is producing the symptoms. They can also have negative side effects.
Antibiotics can upset the bacterial balance in your dog’s intestines, which can lead to other health problems caused by out-of-control bacteria or yeast.
Steroids inhibit the immune system and can have negative side effects. If possible, avoid using them as a dog ear infection treatment.
Discharge and irritation in the ears are indications that the body is attempting to eliminate poisons absorbed from food, drugs, and her environment. That’s fantastic! Your dog’s body is attempting to cure itself by eliminating dangerous toxins. Closing off that exit route with suppressive medicines can drive the disease deeper. It’ll return somewhere else. As a result, your dog will become sicker, often with a more serious ailment.
Finding the source of your dog’s ear troubles is the key to permanently curing her. Fortunately, there are several things you can do at home.
How To Care For A Dog’s Infected Ear Without A Vet
An explanation of topical dog ear infection treatment comes first. You’ll discover later that excessive ear cleaning in dogs might result in ear infections. Therefore, even if your dog has an ear infection, it is preferable to avoid putting anything in her ears. Getting to the bottom of the issue is essential because if it occurs, you know it’s a sign of larger problems.
However, sometimes ear infections are simply too uncomfortable for your dog, and you need to make her feel good while you address the underlying issue.
These are some relaxing cures that can help you feel better. They will relieve itching and pain. There are further procedures to take if you wish to permanently control your dog’s ear infections.
Green Tea
Bring 8 oz of water to a boil and add two green tea bags. Allow the tea to brew for a few minutes before cooling to lukewarm. Some of the fluid should be syringed or sponged into the ear canal.
Calendula Tincture
Calendula can aid with pain relief and inflammation reduction. It also possesses antibacterial qualities, which aid in infection prevention. To utilize calendula, purchase a tincture of herbal calendula. To 1 cup of lukewarm filtered water, add 5 to 10 drops calendula tincture. Then, using a dropper or sponge, apply some to the ears.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is an extremely potent natural antioxidant. It also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. To apply topically, combine 10 drops GSE with 12 oz pure aloe vera juice. It can be used to clean the ears.
Add 3 to 5 drops of GSE to your dog’s food to utilize it internally.
Oil Of Oregano
Oregano oil is a best antibiotic for dog ear infection. Add one drop to 12 oz of warm pure aloe vera juice to treat your dog’s ear infections. Using a cotton ball soaked in the mixture, clean the visible areas of the ear.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help relieve the itching and discomfort associated with an ear infection. 1 cup vinegar to 1 cup filtered or spring water Using a cotton ball soaked in the mixture, clean the visible areas of the ear. Hold your dog’s ear still to ensure that the liquid enters the ear canal. Pour or squirt the liquid into the ear canal (at least one dropper full each time). Then, lightly massage underneath the ear.
Mullein Drops
Randy Kidd DVM PhD, a herbalist and holistic veterinarian, suggests a mullein mix for most ear infections. You can make your own or purchase one from a health food store. HerbPharm has a fantastic mullein-garlic oil therapy for dog ear infections.
Fill a glass jar halfway with mullein leaves and blooms and top with olive oil to make your own mullein drops. Add a clove or two of garlic per pint of oil to boost antibiotic potency. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply few drops of the warmed oil into the ear canal on a daily basis.
Homeopathic Remedies For Dog Ear Infections
A dog ear infection can be treated using homeopathic medications. Choose the solution that best fits your dog’s symptoms from the list below. Make use of a 30C potency.
Belladonna – Use Belladonna if your ears are really hot and irritated. Your dog may be angry and impatient.
Pulsatilla – This medicine can be used to treat acute flare-ups. Often accompanied by sensitivity and redness, as well as a yellowish discharge. Pulsatilla animals enjoy sitting near open windows, dislike getting their paws wet, and will not go outside in the rain. They also have an extremely pleasant (and frequently needy) personality.
Hepar Sulphuris – Hepar sulphuris is beneficial to irritable animals who dislike having their irritated ears touched.
If your dog has persistent, reoccurring ear problems, seek the advice of a skilled homeopath. They’ll examine your dog thoroughly and then suggest the best treatment for all of her problems. This method will assist you in determining the root cause of your dog’s ear troubles.
Now that you know how to treat an acute ear infection in your dog, you should keep reading to learn how to avoid your dog from suffering ear infections in the future.
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What Causes Ear Infections In Dogs?
These are different types of dog ear infections-
Overgrowth of Yeast infection in dogs
Yeast is naturally present in healthy ears, but it can become out of balance, resulting in a yeast infection. If your dog’s ears smell yeasty and have a dark brown discharge, yeast overgrowth is likely. Yeasty ears might be unpleasant, but they are rarely painful.
Bacterial Infection
Ear infections caused by bacteria are another possibility for your dog. You might notice a foul-smelling discharge that is yellow or greenish in color.
Foreign Bodies
Your dog might have grass seeds or foxtails stuck in her ears, a bug, water from swimming, dirt in her ears, or even ticks, maggots, or stings from a bee or a wasp.
It’s possible that you’ll catch her shaking her head… However, material in the ear canal can lead to inflammation as well as an overgrowth of germs or yeast.
Aural Hematoma
An aural hematoma is something that might be caused by your dog if she scratches or shakes her head too forcefully. It occurs when a pool of blood accumulates between the cartilage of the ear flap and the skin of the ear flap. The majority of veterinarians will recommend surgery… But don’t jump into it too quickly! There are treatments that are less harsh available.
Ear Mites
An infection caused by the parasite known as ear mites is a kind of mange. Dogs that are suffering from an infestation of ear mites will frequently shake their heads and scratch their ears. Because they are prevalent in young puppies and highly contagious, you will need to treat them as quickly as possible. In most cases, mites can be recognized by the characteristic “coffee-ground” discharge that is left behind in the ear. Additionally, the outer ear could have a crusty reddish appearance.
How to Avoid Getting an Ear Infection
You may help avoid ear infections in your dog by changing some of these things, which are listed here. If your dog suffers from recurrent or ongoing ear infections, making the adjustments listed above is of the utmost importance.
Diet has a significant role, particularly if your canine companion consumes kibble, which is typically high in carbohydrates and made from artificial substances. The consumption of starchy meals encourages the growth of natural yeast in your dog’s body, which might lead to an imbalance. It is of the utmost importance to provide your dog with a diet that is as fresh, raw, and organic as possible whenever possible.
If you opt to give your dog supplements, look for natural products that are based on food and do not contain any fillers or additives. Pre and probiotics are the most crucial dietary supplement you can offer your dog in order to assist maintain his or her general health.
Minimize Pharmaceuticals And Other Chemicals
Ear infections are more likely to be avoided in dogs that have a lifestyle that is closer to their natural state. Your dog should have as little contact with harmful chemicals as possible, both inside and outside the home.
Vaccines, antibiotics and other treatments, as well as chemical pest preventives, can all have a negative impact on the health of your dog’s digestive tract and upset her immune system. Be sure to administer just those vaccinations that are truly necessary for the protection of your dog. Make use of natural alternatives whenever possible in place of antibiotics and other treatments, and make use of natural pest prevention in order to keep insects away from your dog.
You can also lessen your exposure to toxins by avoiding the use of chemicals in your home and yard. Use natural shampoos to wash your dog, and steer clear of harmful cleaning chemicals in your home. This includes the cosmetics you put on your own body, as well as any other items that contain artificial fragrances.
Immune Support
Your dog’s immune system may be in need of help if she suffers from recurrent ear infections, a food allergy or intolerance, or environmental sensitivities. In order to address your dog’s ear problems, you will first need to determine the source of her allergies. There are numerous things you can do to help manage your dog’s allergies, but much as with ear infections, the most important thing is to identify the underlying problem. The basis of a healthy immune system is a healthy gut.
How can I treat my dogs ear infection at home?
Using natural remedies for ear infections such as otitis externa, such as mullein drops, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and calendula, you can easily treat and manage ear infections such as otitis externa. If you are unsure as to the specific kind of infection that your dog is suffering from, you may want to consult with your dog’s holistic veterinarian regarding deeper ear disorders, such as otitis media and interna.
Will the infection in my dog’s ear go away on its own?
Otitis externa has the potential to grow into otitis media, while otitis media has the potential to evolve into otitis interna in some patients. Therefore, it is essential to treat ear infections as soon as possible, before they progress into a more serious condition. Your dog may experience facial paralysis, deafness, or vestibular illness symptoms if the condition is allowed to progress to a severe level.
When it comes to your dog’s chronic ear problems, having patience during the healing process is going to be really necessary. Keep in mind that the process of your dog eliminating toxins through her ears is an essential component of the healing process. One of the ways that your dog’s body uses its natural healing abilities to rid itself of pollutants is through the ears. It is not in your best interest to stop that procedure. Any medication or herb that can quickly put an end to the symptoms will most likely suppress them. This forces them further into the body, where they have the potential to create more severe problems in the future.
You will now have some natural options at your disposal to treat both acute and chronic ear infections in your dog as a result of the advice made above.
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